Inner Path Card Deck The Inner Path Yoga Tarot Card Deck for students of yoga philosophy, personal transformation and spiritual seekers.26 full-color yoga cards with sanskrit meanings, pronunciations and yoga sutras.150-page wisdom booklet for yoga philosophy self study and inspiration. Sample - the meaning of Santosha: A combination word in Sanskrit, derived from ‘sam’, meaning completely, altogether, or entirely, and ‘tosha’, meaning contentment, satisfaction, acceptance, being comfortable. The tarot card reads "Be playful and embrace life without judgement or conditions; spiritual joy arises from within." Learn More JOIN THE MYSTIC YOGI COMMUNITY Stay connected and be informed of the latests news, upcoming yoga philosophy courses and offerings. [activecampaign form=1] Your information is safe with us, we will only use it to send valuable information to you. You can unsubscribe at any time. Terms and conditions.